About Pixie Park
Individuals Instrumental in the Creation of Pixie Park (aka "Pixie Place"):
• Sepha (donor) & Albert Evers (architect) created pavilion in honor of their son, Lt. Albert John Evers
• Mrs. Terwilliger
• Dorothy Erickson
• Elizabeth Jessen
• Jean Ecker (AAUW** Child Study Group, Pixie Place 1952)
• Jean Marchant (AAUW Child Study Group, Pixie Place 1952)
• Robert Royston (architect)
**(American Association of University Women)
anyone else to include? - Let us know at president@pixiepark.org)

Sepha and Albert Evers were responsible for the creation of the pavilion at Pixie Park in Ross. They donated the funds for the pavilion in memory of their son who died during a dive-bombing mission in World War II.

About Pixie Park
Pixie Park is a volunteer-run cooperative playground for children age six and younger. Surrounded by redwoods in the beautiful Marin Art and Garden Center, the park is open every day to its members except during major paint and repair parties. The park has fun play structures and swings designed primarily for small children, and beautiful trellises that shade picnic tables, big and small.
Through the participation of its member families, Pixie typically holds several events throughout the year for its members and for the community. These include the Halloween Parade, the Holiday Bake Sale, the Pixie Spring Event and other social events.
Pixie Park is a great place to meet and make friends. The events are fun, and the park's supportive atmosphere and beautiful setting make it a safe, fun place for children to explore and play.
Pixie Park History
Pixie Park was founded in 1952 by Mrs. Terwilliger and the American Association of University Women (AAUW). It was started as a safe place to play for the children of volunteers who were working at the Marin Art and Garden Center. Within a year, 30 families were using it and they saw a need to expand this special place for children. The families then gathered donations for the first buildings: the Pavilion and an original playhouse. Click here if you'd like to see a lovely video of members talking about the beginnings of Pixie Park.
In 1958 Robert Royston (architect) redesigned the play area to give it a distinctive mid-century look with a number of modernist play structures and its unique splash pad water area.
Many more trees and buildings were donated over the following years. The membership grew to 150 families within the first few years, and they saw a need for a fundraiser to expand and improve Pixie Playground. The group of women who were using it became autonomous from the AAUW in 1958 and became Pixie Parents, Inc. The first fundraiser was called the Easter Egg Hunt, which later became the Easter Fair and then became the Spring Fair. The first egg hunts were host to 300 children and were successful at raising the monies that Pixie Parents needed to improve the Park.
Pixie raises funds through an annual Winter Holiday Bake Sale. Pixie also holds a Halloween Parade, Valentine's Day Party, St. Patrick's Day Party, music classes, bubble guys and many other events, just for fun. Special events are for members only.

Pixie Park Renovation
In 2019 and 2020, Pixie Park underwent a massive renovation. Having been largely untouched in decades, play structures needed to be replaced and the entire park had to be updated for accessibility. The results are amazing and will make the park even more magical for our little ones. Click here to see some photos of the renovation. Thank you to everyone who was involved! We look forward to continuing to make the park more beautiful and fun.