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Pixie Park Renovation (Phase 1: Completed in 2020)

Many generous community members helped to support the Pixie Parents non-profit organization in order to complete this large scale renovation.  The renovation was managed by Pixie Parent volunteers.


This was a massive project and one that could not have been done without the vision and leadership of the Master Plan Committee (Holly Tate, Holly Selvig, Annabelle Reber & Matthew Fulvio) and the Board President, Katie Arnemann. Our entire community is grateful to each one of you. What you created will be loved and enjoyed by children and families for generations to come.

We are eager to begin Phase 2 of this important renovation.

Countless families and community members stepped up to support Phase 1 of our renovation. For that we are ever grateful.

Elizabeth & Lee Adams

Wendy & Kevin Alexander

Trish & Peter Allen


Liz Amini

Pamela Andrews






Katie & Roger Arnemann

Sarah & Michael Atwood

Phil Barow

Jodie & James Barton

Shana & Brandon Beal

Lisa & Chris Beauchamp

Jody Anne & Jules Becker

Sandy & Tom Bertelsen

Linda & Tom Biesheuvel

Anya Bosina & Ivo Delmis Bosina/Delmis

Elizabeth & Cameron Breitner

Elizabeth Brekhus

Bonnie Bridges, Studio BBA Bridges, Studio BBA

Peter Brockway

Forest & Laura Bronzan

Adrienne & Kent Brown

Abigail Brown & Robert Lodge Brown & Lodge

Alexandra Buldrini

Jane & Kurt Burkhard

Wendy & John Buscaglia

Marina & Harley Butler

Jeanne & Bill Cahill

Meghan & Matt Caldwell

William (aka. Javier) Carey

Ashley & Ryan Carroll

Cari & Brian Case

Ashley & Mark Cashel

Christine Christiansen

Janell & Joe Ciatti

Holly Tate & Scott Clark Clark

Clover Sonoma

Keri & River Cohen

Susan & Mitch Cohen

Kate & Jeff Colin

Lita Collins & Clay Kuzma Collins

Marie & Brian Collins

Carey Condy

Jane Cooper

Dan Costello

Holly & Michael Cuggino

Kristen & Phillipe d'Offay

Michael & Joanna Dachs

Marita & Kevin Daly

Herbert & Arville (??) Damner

Courtney & Raphael De Balmann

Mark & Catherine Devereaux

Stacey & Ian Dillon

Micky & Chris Doner

Blinderman Doran

Diane & Rich Dow

Christine & Andrew Downs

Susan & Dennis Duncan

Kelly & ? Dwinells

Erin & Alex Earls

Bree & David Eaton

Cassandra & Jeff Edwards

Tori & George Eichleay 

Claudia & David Eiseman

Andrea & Daniel Elkort

Margie Ellis

Pamela & Bryce Emo

Joannie Ericson

Jessica Fairchild & Kai Broms Fairchild/Broms

Jennifer Feeney

Chris & Bob Feibusch 

Melissa & Andrew Felder

Mary Kay & Brendan Finn

Caitlin & Fisher

Susan & Greg Flandermeyer

Steven & Debra Fletcher

Ashley & Jon Fougner

Stephanie & Charles Fountaine

Nicola Fraser

Leora & Matt Fulvio

Amanda & Mike Furlotti

Kelly & Chris Gallo

Carmen Garcia

Matt & Sarah Garibaldi

Michael George

Casey & Zack Georgeson

Judy & Gregg Gibson

Michael & Susan Gillfillan

Nina & John Gladish

Jordan Glassberg

Alisa & Brian Golson

Good Eggs

Erin & Scott Grace

Sophie & James Gray

Jenna & David Greer

Haley & Craig Grevelding

Kristin Hagan Sprincin

Nousha & Henry Hagenbuch

Marie & Michael Hamilton

Michael Hamilton

Lindsay & Barr Haney

Allison & Jeff Harper

Corey & Chris Hart

Corinne Hedrick

Diana & Brad Hedrick

Anne & Nathan Heyden

Katie & Richard Hoertkorn

Holly Hooker

Alexandra Hudson

Wendy & Jay Hurford

Katie Hyde & Mark Schrumpf Hyde/Schrumpf

Chelsea E. Ialeggio Ialeggio

Irene Scully Foundation

Jordan Jaffee

Glennis Jones

Kay & Bruce Jones

Jordan & Michael Kahn

Becca & Eric Kallman

Carly & Stephen Kawaja

Cregg Kelly

Alexis & John Kernot

Julie & Connor Kidd

Kim & John Kieckhefer

Lizzie & Keith Kirley

Nancy & Skip Kniesche

Phyllis & Jeff Koblick

Brianne & Matt (?) Koch

Jennifer & Christopher Kostanecki

Sarah & Mark Kruttschnitt

Wilms Kurt

David LaHorgue

Maureen & John Landers

Maggie Landers

Maureen Landers

Cam & Edward Lanphier

KC & Steve Lauck

Kay & David Law

Anna & David Lee

Aubrey & Jeff Leh

Elizabeth Leone

Meghan & Andrew Levin

Brian & Liz Levonius

Adrienne & Lenox Liggett

Katherine Linder & Matthew Killeen Linder

Hollis & Al Litrownik

Elena Batalla & Daniel Little Little

Andrea & Daniel Livengood

Cynthia & Samuel Livermore

Meredith Loring & Sami Inkinen Loring/Inkinin

Roseanna & Wally Lourdeaux

Shana & Joe Lourdeaux

Erin & JD Lumpkin

Lauren Lyon

Jennifer & Mark Malcoun

(Dan Baker) Marche Aux Fleurs

Marin Community Foundation

Marin County Community Service Fund

Krista & Bill Martin

Ann & Andy Mathieson

Diane B. Maywhort

MBD and JFD Foundation

Seton McAndrews & Molly Melcher McAndrews

Neg Bacherzadeh & Charles McClure McClure

Betsy & Ed McDermott

Sally & ?? McGivern

Christine & Ian McGonigle

Cherrie McGowan

Julie & Ian McGuire

Sommer & Jamison McKinley

Julie McMillan & Tim Baughman McMillan/Baughman

Tina Mehan

Suzanne & Robert Mellor

Elizabeth Melone

Heidi & Dave Minnick


Emily Morris & Jose Soltero Morris/Soltero

Erin & Darius Mozafarrian

Patricia Navone

Julian & Geoff Nichol

Cheryl & Mark Northfield

Katharine & Mike O'Brien

Whitney & Dennis O'Neill

Marta Osterloh

Janet & Clyde Ostler

Ashley & Ted Paff

Emily Parento

Virginia Partridge

Patxi's Pizza

Barbara Peracca

Allyson Peracca & Michael Strohl Peracca/Strohl

Katie Peterman

Ashley & Josh Petersen

Ann & David Peterson

Gloria Petersson & Betty Wilson Petersson/Wilson

Debbie & Tom Piliero

Sharon & Philip Pillsbury

Maria Pitcairn


Emily & ? Poague

Tucky & John Pogue

Mary & Bill Poland

Ann Ponomarev & Nick Bicardo Ponomarev & Bicardo

Elizabeth & Patrick Quigney

Annabelle & Bill Reber

Ashley & Daniel Reid

Barbara & Brent Reid

Jenny & Bill Reilly

Jackie & Jim Reinhart

Barbara & Joel Renbaum

Susanna Rice

Pollie & Doug Robbins

Elizabeth Robbins & Stephen Hauser Robbins/Hauser

Parker Robert

Kristin & James Robillard

Jenny & Alex Robinson

Ann & Michael Roggenbuck

Melissa & AJ Rohde

Albee & Nick Romero

Elika & Michael Rosenbaum

Dan Rosenthal

Ross Auxiliary

Stephanie & Bryan Sander

Janet & Gary Scales

Rachel & Blake Schaefer

Melissa Schiller

Meredith Schmidt

Laura Schooling & Jens Hoffmann Schooling/Hoffman

Betty Schrohe

Irene Scully

John & Regina Scully

Darla & Jude Segalini

Margaret & Dennis Selvig

Holly Selvig and Avner Sofer

Rupert Russell, Partner Shartsis Friese LLP

Carol & Hal Sherley

David & ? Sherry

Susie & Gavin Slader

Jacqueline & Lawrence Slayen

Emily & Brian Slingerland

Raina & Michael Sobel

Carly & Greg South

Faggioli Stacie

Serena & John Stark

Ann & Charles Stevens

Gita & Nick Stiritz

Erin Stolowitz

Ali & David Stone

Swirl Frozen Yogurt

Rebecca & Tom Sylla

Mandy & Scott Tachiki

Elizabeth Taft

Bryan & Theresa Talany

Jane & Robert Tate

Holly & Scott Tate/Clark

Emily & Chad Taylor

Tea Collection

Rachel Templeton & Jamie Freundlich Templeton/Freundlich

Richard J. Thalheimer

The Ross Preschool

Lauren Thornhill

Luke Tori

Nancy & Herb Tully

Thomas & Pauline Tusher

Hailey Underwood

Julie & Tim Van Voris

Jessica & Alexis Viripaeff

Blanche & Singh Virk

Abby & Scott Vix

Katherine Walker

Patsy & David Walsh

Julie & David Wean

Barbara & Phillip Wenger

Kathryn & David Werdeger

Barbara & Milton Werner

Diana & Mike Werner

Danielle & Michael Westberg

William and Elizabeth Patterson Family Fund

Ted & Lisa Williams

Denise & Steve Willis

Margie Wilson

Natalie Wilson

Annie & Jason Winship

© 2021- 2023 by David Allen-Hughes

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Since 1952 Pixie Park has been a volunteer run co-op children's park. 

Pixie Parents is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  Tax ID: 94-6086438

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