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Volunteer Opportunities

Pixie Park is a volunteer run co-op park and community service & volunteerism is at the core of Pixie Park. There are many ways to get involved as a volunteer whether as a board member, an event co-chair, and/or a regular (and very important!) member volunteer for our events, cleanup, etc.  Remember, ALL members are expected to help out at events they attend as well as to volunteer a minimum of 2-hours per membership term.

Volunteer with and make new friends at our fun events!

Pixie Park has so many great events, and we always need help.  

Click here to see and sign up for some of the many volunteer opportunities.


Volunteer Leadership Positions (e.g. Event Co-Chair) 


Click here​ to see our current leadership team or click here to see the job descriptions for our leadership positions. These positions are generally signed up for during the member signup process. Feel free to email the president @ if you are interested in a position.

Pixie Park Beautification:

Sign up to help keep our park looking beautiful. It's an easy job that you can do while your kids are busy playing. If you see someone else with a broom, we'd encourage you to grab one too as your kids are watching and seeing their grownup helping out will certainly help to inspire them to help out with chores around the house as they get older ("monkey see, monkey do"). You'll also notice that if you grab a broom, chances are they may grab a kids broom and "help" out too! 


We depend on our members to help keep our park organizing, fully stocked, and looking nice. The calendar below shows who is scheduled for Pixie Park Beautification. It's not unusual for our co-op members to grab a broom while they're at the park without being officially signed up to help - on behalf of all the members who enjoy this beautiful park, THANK YOU for your help taking care of Pixie Park. As the saying goes, "It takes a village!" Please SIGN UP for an available slot!

© 2021- 2023 by David Allen-Hughes

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Since 1952 Pixie Park has been a volunteer run co-op children's park. 

Pixie Parents is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  Tax ID: 94-6086438

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